
GDR Défis théoriques pour le climat GDR Défis théoriques pour le climat
The mini-school is sponsored by the Research Working Group (GDR) Défis théoriques pour le climat. The GDR is led by the Institut de Physique (INP) and supported by the Institut des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU) and the Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions (INSMI) at CNRS.
The workshop is part of the thematic semester "Mathematics and Theoretical Physics" sponsored by LABEX MILYON. MILYON gathers more than 450 researchers, from five research units (UMR) of the University of Lyon located in Lyon and Saint-Etienne. MILYON focuses on four key areas: Excellence in research, especially at the interfaces of the two disciplines, and with other sciences; Education, with innovative research-oriented curriculums; Outreach with an ambitious program aimed at disseminating scientific culture among the general public and technology transfer to industry.
ENS de Lyon ENS de Lyon
Our host institution is sponsoring the workshop.
The mini-school is part of the lecture series offered by Institut des Mathématiques pour la Planète Terre.
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